MOnique van Laake 1962 photographer, makes her work with the Nikon or the Iphone which gives a special color balance in the shot.
Her sense of image and composition is special and gives a lot inspiration for the workpiece that results from it.
TEun Anders 1956 visual artist, is fascinated by the possibilities of digital photography. A photo suddenly becomes one palette with color patches.
Color patches that you can organize differently a new image is created. He photographs his own work and that of others to then give new meaning to it.
The both artists have started working together in the project;
Everything already exists. Nothing is new. The role of the artist is to create new ones to make connections between the existing ones. The digital world gives us artists the possibility to combine and distort everything. The pixels are the palette. Color cubes that suggest a photo at one time but by changing their mutual place a new image.
The reuse of our own work and that of others is the starting point. Images that mean something different than when you put them together. A work is never finished. A new insight gives an existing image one again new meaning. The realism of the photo does not seem to be that realistic at all.
What was true becomes different.
Lisbon, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Koln, Berlin, Luxembourg, Tokio, Antwerp.
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